The Lewiston Public Library is a valuable resource for the local community and for those at large interested in researching family history and local Niagara County history. Visitors are welcome to view materials located within our Jon F. Popkey Genealogy Room and our Frieda C. Bourgon Local History Room during normal business hours. Check for class offerings in our monthly adult calendar.
Check for local area records and history (including birth, marriage and death records) at our genealogy blog: http://thedeadbeatssociety.wordpress.com/
Patrons may access the Genealogy Room and the Local History Room during regular library hours. For special assistance please make an appointment at 716-754-4720 or email Michelle Kratts at lewgen@nioga.org
Genealogy and local history blog: http://thedeadbeatssociety.wordpress.com/
The Lewiston Public Library has a collection, The Early Records of Sacarissa Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows (IOOF), for the NY Heritage website:
Bob & Rita Giannetti Southern Family History Collection
This special collection contains materials pertinent to the researcher with interests in the southern states prior to the Civil War.
Southern Family History Collection
The Frieda C. Bourgon Local History Room contains mostly books and histories of value to the local history researcher, including local histories and genealogies, maps, biographical encyclopedias, New York gazetteers, antiquarian Niagara Falls guidebooks, Clarence O. Lewis articles, various historic Buffalo area newspapers, the archives of the Lewiston Public Library and original copies of the Army’s, Stars and Stripes, London edition, from the 1940’s.
The Frieda C. Bourgon Local History Room is also home to the library’s special database which includes: Niagara Gazette Obituaries (various 1854-present), The People of Lewiston (family database of all Lewiston censuses until 1940), and applications from various Niagara County Independent Order of Odd Fellows (early lodges).
Local area microfilm is also available as well as the New York Times (1854-1995).
Staff will be happy to search through onsite materials. Please include complete names, dates, and locations with your requests. You may email requests to Michelle Kratts at lewgen@nioga.org or mail to:
Lewiston Public Library
305 South Eighth Street
Lewiston, New York 14092
Gifts and Donations are gratefully accepted!
The Dead Beats Society was founded in 2008 as a group of genealogy volunteers at the Lewiston Public Library. Volunteers have worked on various local project including digitizing local Niagara area obituaries. The Dead Beats usually meet each month.
FamilySearch has discontinued their microfilm lending program as they are focusing now on digitizing their microfilm records. The Lewiston Public Library is an affiliate library of FamilySearch. Various FamilySearch generated local microfilms are contained in the library’s permanent collection.
The Jon F. Popkey Genealogy Room contains many items of value to the local researcher. Please contact the library if you would like to view these items in person, or if you would like for us to browse through a particular collection for you.
Our collection also includes both circulating and non-circulating books. Topics cover specialty areas of research such as: geographical, cemetery research, courthouse research, computer resources, naturalization records, vital records, Family History Guides by the Church of Latter-Day Saints (LDS) and much, much more. Periodicals include back issues of the New England Historical and Genealogical Register and more.
Death, Cemetery and Burial Records
Yearbooks and Alumni Directories in the Jon F Popkey Genealogy Room
Publications from Niagara area Companies
Genealogy and Subject Files:
Subject Files Drawer #1 War of 1812 and International Institute
Subject Files Drawer #2 Assorted
Archives of the Monday Club
Niagara Men in the Civil War compiled by Richard Reed (Volumes 1-3)
Civil War Veterans, Oakwood Cemetery, Niagara Falls
The Irish in Niagara Falls (scrapbook)
Private Letters of Roger Millar and Blanche Raymond
Reports of Elizabeth Howe, International Institute, Niagara Falls, New York, 1919-1920
Record books of the Independent Order of the Odd Fellows (IOOF) Lewiston, New York, as well as various Niagara lodges including: Fort Niagara, Niagara Falls, LaSalle and Wilson (1846-1935).
Tryon Family Papers
Lew-Port Obituaries Class of 1952 thru Present
Obituary Book of Lew-Port teachers, employees and bus drivers
Obituaries Lew-Port High School (Red Brick)
Obituaries Youngstown High School (Red Brick)
Anyone interested in loom knitting join Miss Amy
and friends and try out our new club
Days and times are posted on the monthly calendar
For more information call 716-754-4720 ext. 826
Kid's Yoga
Join Miss Michelle Drennan for some yoga fun!
This is a time of music and yoga moves for children
of all ages
Dates and times are posted on our monthly calendar
For more information call 716-754-4720 ext. 826