

About Us

Mission Statement

The mission of the Lewiston Public Library is to enrich lives by meeting the informational, educational and recreational needs of the community through a variety of resources and outreach programs.


The Lewiston Public Library began in 1901 when the Men’s Club of Lewiston held a New Year’s Party and asked each person in attendance to bring two books. Vice President Theodore Roosevelt, invited but unable to attend, sent an autographed copy of his book on Oliver Cromwell. This book is still on display in the Local History Room. When the new Library was dedicated in 1991, former U.S. Presidents Ford, Carter, Nixon, and Reagan sent autographed copies of their books to add to this collection.

Chartered as a Free Library in 1902, support was maintained by public subscription with members of the Lewiston Service Guild collecting door-to-door for operating funds. As Library use increased, the Trustees recognized that a dedicated source of funding was needed to maintain standards and allow for continued growth. In 1976 this funding was secured with the approval of a Public Library Charter and the Library is now supported by tax dollars.

The Library has been housed in several buildings in the historic village, eventually finding a permanent home when the present structure was built, in 1990, at 305 South 8th St. The children’s wing was added in 1999.

Board of Trustees

The library trustees meet on the first Monday of every month at 5pm.

PRESIDENT: Christopher Pannozzo
TREASURER: John Daigneau
SECRETARY: Wendy Guild Swearingen
Matthew Feldman


The library, which has an annual budget of approximately $400,000, is funded primarily by the Town of Lewiston. Other financial support is provided by Niagara County, state aid, grants and donations.

The Friends of the Library, a volunteer organization, provides support through a variety of fundraisers and a book-sale room.

In 2024, the library received $392,170 from the Town of Lewiston. Other government aid included $16,706 from Niagara County and $4979 from state aid.

The library established a foundation that will provide additional support to the library. The goal is to provide flexible and immediate funding so that the library can address current needs not met through the budget process. Significant contributions will allow the library to begin to enrich collections, upgrade technology, expand public programming and assist in capital improvement projects.

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